Welcome !
This is the newest edition of my portfolio website! You'll find everything you need here, including my projects, things about me, and more fun things!

On the side is some information including recent updates, things I'm working on, and all of my twitter links. At the top, there is also a navbar to all of the pages of the site -- enjoy it, I worked realy hard on it!

Unfortunately, I don't have many more interesting things to say in this section of the website. If you're on here, I hope it's a pleasant experience for you. Otherwise I will humbly apologize that the experience is NOT pleasant.

How about you enjoy some magnet poetry while you're here?
So... why 'Utsusemi?'
That's a wonderful question! Sure, the name is uncommon and it's not the usual 'name yourself after a character, food, or color' thing many people do nowadays.

'Utsusemi' in short means a cast-off cicada shell, but in a metaphorical sense, it also means "this mortal world" or the "temporal things" in life. It feels like a reminder that much like a cicada casts its shell, we are simply living in this world for a short amount of time and there's beauty in every little thing in this life... even without reaching to the religious or spiritual. I sound like those dreamy motivational websites that rave over poetry, oops.

It's also the name of one of my favorite songs ever. Although it's only been in my life for around a year, it has honestly changed me and it's filled mwe with such a warm feeling. I'll embed it here. Please do give it a listen!

What's New?
No updates have been made. My bad.

On the other hand, the PM OC Repo is up. Go check it out!
My Links
holy heck that's a lot of links!
currently. . .
Working on setting up VGen, I think.

Oh, and also trying to get even more things together. I'm always so busy.